Theta Healing

Certified ThetaHealing
Life is lived from the inside out. ThetaHealing changes the software of your mind so that physical problems are released, as well as deep-seated beliefs that hold you back from living the life you were meant to live. Underlying internal beliefs are changed and positive feelings are downloaded to the subconscious mind. In this class you will learn how to access a theta brainwave in seconds, utilize the power of your subconscious with your connection to the creative source of all life, do instant emotional and physical healing, do group healing, activate your youth and vitality DNA, release negative programs and replace them with positive ones, clear long-held fears and resentments, do future readings, improve your intuitive ability, and much, much more!Beatrice Calise

It is safe to look within. — Louise L. Hay
- Manifestation & Abundance
- ThetaHealing
- Psychic Development
- Tarot Reading
Classes offered
- Theta Healing Technique
- Spiritual Energy