Manifestation & Abundance
In order to make positive changes, you must first decide what it is you want in life. Learn how to manifest changes you wish to see. Explore your belief system and change it. Tap this universal tool of self-discovery to actualize your potential and become rich in all aspects of your life. You will find many surprising and deeply hidden blocks standing between you and your goals, which this class will help clear. You are then given all the positive new feelings you need to establish abundance in your life. You will learn how to make a plan, set your intentions, and follow through on your ideas to achieve your successes. Certified ThetaHealing Life is lived from the inside out. ThetaHealing changes the software of your mind so that physical problems are released, as well as deep-seated beliefs that hold you back from living the life you were meant to live. Underlying internal beliefs are changed and positive feelings are downloaded to the subconscious mind. In this class you will learn how to access a theta brainwave in seconds, utilize the power of your subconscious with your connection to the creative source of all life, do instant emotional and physical healing, do group healing, activate your youth and vitality DNA, release negative programs and replace them with positive ones, clear long-held fears and resentments, do future readings, improve your intuitive ability, and much, much more! Psychic Development Belief makes psychic development become possible. Once you learn how to use your psyche, you will learn just how powerful your own mind can be. To receive insight and wisdom, you must quiet your mind and look within yourself. Through psychic development, you will learn to better understand yourself and others, and will view the world in a different way. In this class, you will learn to look within yourself and tap the latent abilities of your mind, to better understand your life and those around you. Tarot Reading Spiritual tarot allows you to improve your sense of self and access your psychic abilities. Through tarot readings, you may learn to see past and present events clearly, and learn what is to come. With this knowledge, you may better see what path to take in all areas of your life. In this class, you will learn to read tarot cards through various methods.Beatrice Calise

It is safe to look within. — Louise L. Hay
- Manifestation & Abundance
- ThetaHealing
- Psychic Development
- Tarot Reading
Classes offered
- Theta Healing Technique
- Spiritual Energy